
About us
Empowering Sustainable Mobility with EzyEv BaaS

At EzyEv BaaS, we believe in creating a better, more sustainable future for all. Our mission is to make electric biking accessible and convenient for everyone, without the hassle of ownership. Our innovative BaaS model, combined with the EzyBike and EzySwap stations, allows for worry-free riding, anywhere, anytime.

Save Money as a Rider

Earn money As A Partner

We’re more than just a company, we’re a community dedicated to creating a cleaner, more accessible world. Our commitment to sustainability, combined with our dedication to providing the best possible biking experience, makes us more than just a provider of electric bikes – we’re a partner in shaping the future of transportation. Join us on this exciting journey towards a greener, more connected world

joyous ride guarantee
How It Works


With our subscription service, you can access high-quality electric bikes whenever you need them.


We're committed to providing a seamless and enjoyable riding experience for our users.


We're committed to providing a hassle-free and sustainable battery swapping service for our users.


You can choose to renew your existing plan or upgrade/downgrade to a different plan.

Ezyev Swap Partner
Become our Swap Station partner

Join forces with EzyEv and become a partner of the swap station to contribute towards a greener future.

Powered By
EzyEv Ecosystem

EzyEv Rider

The EzyEV rider app is the hub of the EzyEv ecosystem, providing a user-friendly interface for managing your bike, battery, and subscriptions.

EzyEv Partner

Partnering with Ezyev offers an opportunity to contribute towards a greener future while generating additional revenue.

EzyEv Bikes

The EzyBikes are the foundation of the EzyEv ecosystem, providing a reliable and sustainable mode of transportation that's easy to use and maintain.

EzyEv Swap Station

The EzySwap stations make it easy to swap out depleted batteries for fully charged ones, allowing you to keep riding without interruption.

Ezyev bikes
Become our Bike Riding Subscriber

Join the EzyEv bike riding community as a subscriber and enjoy the convenience of eco-friendly, affordable, and hassle-free transportation.

Mobile App Coming Soon!